ISEP published “Renewables Japan Status Report 2016”. Executive Summary is available in PDF.

Renewables Japan Status Report 2016, Executive Summary
“Renewables Japan Status Report 2016” is a comprehensive report on renewable energy in Japan, including specific challenges for renewable energy policies such as solar power, wind power, geothermal power, small hydro power, biomass, solar heat, initiatives for commercialization and diffusion in the region, various trends. In addition, the report shows the various data, regional potential and implementation status, and long-term scenarios for 100% renewable energy.
The 2016 edition addresses the themes of “Community Power” and “100% Renewable Energy”. The report covers trends in community power that are emerging one after the other, and trends in social consensus building towards socially harmonized introduction of renewable energy.
Editorial Supervisor: Tetsunari Iida (ISEP)
Editor in chief:Hironao Matsubara (ISEP)
Published:Executive Summary in English: October, 2016
Main report of this summary was made possible with the financial support of Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency Department of The Japan Fund for Global Environment.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the position of ISEP. Although information given in this report is the best available to the authors at the time, ISEP cannot be held liable for its accuracy and correctness. The report is subject to revision in the future.
* The report was revised for correction of Figure 17 (Jan. 2019)